Monday 18 October 2010

Nosferatu 1922

The first film we watched was the black and white film, Nosferatu. This was made in 1922, and was a great hit with the audience in its time. It was made as a Horror film about a in human monster,

Introduction to me and my blog!

Hey, Siobhan Montgomery here! I am currently studying at La Swap sixth form, my Media Studies class in situated at Parliament Hill School. In my Media Studies class, me and my fellow class mates are currently doing our coursework. The coursework is based upon Horror, Thriller and Ultimate Horror films, then in our groups we must make a teaser trailer, film poster and of course a blog.

In my group is me, Siobhan Montgomery, Emily Gabrielle & Jazmin VaneS, we are all working extremely hard, using the all of the knowledge we gathered from our past experiences of watching Horrors and Thrillers and all the teaching we were taught before startingt our coursework. We started by watching Horrors and Thrillers as a class, Nosferatu 1922, Pysco 1960, Rosemary's Baby 1968, The Shining 1980 and finally Gothika 2003 and then went on to plan our very own A2 Media Studies coursework.